Saturday, April 21, 2012

Our gifts for the locals

We always bring inexpensive reading glasses to give to needy older people. I offered them to our guide to distribute. ( 36 pair ). He insisted on taking us to his tiny village 10 miles up in the hills. They are rice farmers.the whole village had gathered and awaited our arrival. They seated me on a cerimonial platform and I handed them out, I had to keep telling them I wasn't a MD. It was all a little overwhelming. Look carefully at group picture, see the tags still on glasses? I love the shot of the man looking at his hand. They passed around a religious prayer text to find right glasses.We also handed out tee shirts and half of our own clothing , towels,etc. These polite and gracious people have nothing. I'll never forget it ( many couldn't read, they will use them for sewing, etc ) PS they said we were the first white people ever to set foot in their village !!

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