Monday, April 1, 2013

Warning : Dog lovers skip this post

We met our two university student guides today, they took Karen shopping for silver, I bought some Buddhas. I offered to buy them lunch and they asked what kind of food . I had read that Vietnamese consider dog a delicacy so I asked if I could try it . Bear in mind every culture has foods that other cultures find unacceptable ( pig, horse, snake etc ) Dog can only be eaten on certain days of the lunar calendar and today was ok. Off we went. Karen was not too happy about my dining choice but agreed to let me try it. The name of the restaurant was Dog Meat Restaurant ( pretty catchy ! ). As with any meat there are many cuts. I declined the baked paws but was served plain sliced, sausage , and ginger flavored. The plain was strong tasting, not unlike lamb. The sausage was greasy ( Eric would have liked it ). I preferred the ginger dish. They dipped each piece into fermented shrimp sauce ( which I didn't care for ) Side dishes were rice bread , sliced cucumber and scallions. We all drank beer. Karen didn't touch a thing and was silent during the meal. Postscript. : Dog gave me indigestion

1 comment:

  1. (From Hanoi)
    Finally found your blog and this very post. Now I see why you said we were gonna be famous but... in a negative way LOL.
    Wish all the best for your trip!Btw, I'm Dzung (the one on your left at that photo).
