Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Mountain climbing

Karen and I left after breakfast and hiked 2 1/2 hours up into the mountains. The air became noticeably thinner as we climbed ( almost 7000 ft ) and with the sun beating down, it was quite hike. We passed a Greek Othodox mini shrine as we approached the summit, nearby was an old shepards stone hut. We had lunch at the peak in a Alpine like taverna, lentil soup with bread. The mountains are filled with goats and sheep, no wonder the slopes are barren after thousands of years of grazing. Tommorow we hike down the Samaria gorge trail  ( 17 miles,  yikes!  ) to a small village on the Libyan Sea. We carry small packs with 3 days supplies. Our luggage gets transported by truck . Once again, don't know if we will have Wifi. 

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