Friday, October 3, 2014


We were driven 2 hours from the south coast of Crete to the north where we boarded a high speed ferry for a 3 hour trip to the Island of Santorini .The island is a ring of land 16 miles across with a collapsed volcano cone in the center of the inner bay. A road rings the land on top with hotels built on the sheer cliffs surrounding the inner bay. Everything is white with blue shutters, much like Loutro. This is a European hot spot, the hotels are all full, cruise ships stop here, lots of nice restaurants. A pricey place.  Our hotel is super nice, our tile floors are wild colors with nice artwork on the walls, quite a change from Crete. We are here for 4 days.  

1 comment:

  1. I love that floor! The pictures are beautiful and almost surreal looking.
